• Ask The Candidates FAQ

    September 3, 2017
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    Ask The Candidates FAQ!

    -All candidates are sent the questions at the same time.

    -All candidates had 5 days to answer 5 questions.

    -Details were included. Candidates are made aware of the deadline for their responses.

    -We will not post responses received after the deadline.

    -Candidates do have the option of adding a comment if they choose to.

    We all have busy lives and things happen.  However, as a Council Member, life will be busy and more things will be happening.

    It is unfair to allow some candidates more time than others.  Just as it would be unfair to allow a candidate to modify their responses once they have seen the response of their opponents, or they realize that they have forgotten to make a specific point.

    All the questions/replies are formatted and scheduled to publish on the server. We are trickling them out so as not to overwhelm the readers. There are a lot of candidates and we covered a variety of issues. However, Candidates can reply in the comments area as so many others have done.

    Therefore, it is the policy of the Johns Creek Post that we do not post answers received beyond the deadline.


    Why the Ask The Candidates FAQ

    Below is from a post published on October 4, 2015.

    Communications are an important role for City Council Members.  Answering questions is important.  Follow up is important.  The campaign is the time to find out how each candidate operates and thinks about the important issues.
    The ability to come to conclusions quickly is important.  City Council Members are presented with information and make laws during the Council Meeting.  Motions change in real-time. A Council Member will not have days or weeks to reach their decision.  The vote will occur whether or not they have generated their own conclusion.
    Also important as a Council Member is admitting when one has erred. Not doing so paralyzes them going forward.
    Most of the issues above all rely upon the principles the candidate holds true and plans to govern by. When the principles held are unclear to the candidate, it will indeed take much longer to reach a decision in most cases.


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